
Types of Google Ad Campaigns | A Definitive Guide

types of google ads

Are you interested in exploring the world of types of Google Ads? Look no further! Our definitive guide will provide you with all the information you need to create effective and successful ad campaigns.

From search and display ads to shopping and video ads, we’ll break down each type and give you tips and tricks to optimize your campaigns.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use Google Ads to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Table of Content:

  • Search Ads: Optimize Google text ads
  • Display Ads: Create visually appealing banner and video ads 
  • Shopping Ads: Set up and manage ads for ecommerce businesses
  • Video Ads: Ads available on YouTube and Google’s Display Network
  • App Ads: Promote your mobile app 
  • Local Ads: Target customers in specific geographic areas
  • Discovery Ads: Create ads that appear in Google’s feed, Gmail, & YouTube
  • Remarketing Ads: Target users who have previously interacted with your website

Let’s dive in!

Search Ads: Optimize Google text ads

Search Ads are a powerful tool for reaching potential customers at the exact moment they’re searching for products or services like yours.

Here are some tips on how to create and optimize text ads that show up in Google search results:

1. Create Compelling Ad Copy:

Write ad copy that’s specific, relevant, and compelling. Use strong call-to-action phrases like “Buy Now” or “Learn More” to encourage users to click through to your website. Use relevant keywords that match the user’s search query in your ad headline and description to make your ad more relevant and likely to be clicked.

Example: Let’s say you’re selling running shoes online. Your ad headline could be “Shop the Best Running Shoes Online” and your description could include phrases like “Free Shipping on All Orders” and “Shop Now for the Perfect Pair.”

2. Use Ad Extensions:

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can appear alongside your ad in the search results, like a phone number or a link to a specific page on your website. Use ad extensions to provide more context and make your ad more compelling.

Example: If you’re a restaurant, you could use a location extension to show your address and phone number alongside your ad. You could also use a call extension to allow users to call you directly from the ad.

3. Test Multiple Ad Variations:

Create multiple versions of your ad and test them to see which ones perform the best. Experiment with different ad headlines, descriptions, and call-to-action phrases to find the combination that resonates best with your audience.

Example: Create two versions of your ad – one with the headline “Shop Running Shoes Online” and one with the headline “Find Your Perfect Running Shoes Online.” Test both versions and see which one performs better in terms of click-through rate and conversions.

4. Monitor Your Performance:

Regularly monitor your ad performance and make adjustments as needed. Look at metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per click to determine how your ads are performing and identify areas for improvement.

Example: If you notice that your ad isn’t getting many clicks, try adjusting your ad copy or using a different call-to-action phrase. If your cost per click is higher than you’d like, try refining your targeting or using negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches.

By following these tips and continuously optimizing your search ads, you can improve your ad performance and reach more potential customers.

Display Ads: Create visually appealing banner & video ads

Display Ads are visual advertisements that appear on websites across the internet through Google’s Display Network. 

Display ads can include static banner ads, animated GIFs, and video ads. 

Here are some tips for creating visually appealing display ads that will capture the attention of your target audience:

1. Know Your Target Audience:

To create effective display ads, you need to understand who your target audience is and what they’re interested in. Use audience targeting to reach users who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

Example: If you’re selling athletic wear, you might target users who have recently visited fitness blogs or websites.

2. Use High-Quality Images and Videos:

Use high-quality images and videos that are visually appealing and attention-grabbing. Ensure that the images and videos are relevant to your product or service and align with your branding.

Example: If you’re promoting a new line of hiking boots, use images and videos of people hiking in scenic locations wearing the boots.

3. Keep Your Messaging Simple and Clear:

Use clear and concise messaging in your ad copy that highlights the benefits of your product or service. Use attention-grabbing headlines and concise descriptions to entice users to click through to your website.

Example: If you’re selling a new line of eco-friendly cleaning products, your ad headline could be “Clean Your Home the Green Way” and your description could be “Shop Our New Line of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Today.”

4. Experiment with Ad Formats:

Try out different ad formats to see which ones perform best for your product or service. Consider using interactive ads, like HTML5 ads, to engage users and encourage them to interact with your ad.

Example: If you’re promoting a new app, you could use an interactive ad that allows users to download the app directly from the ad without having to visit the app store.

5. Monitor Your Performance:

Regularly monitor your ad performance and make adjustments as needed. Look at metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per click to determine how your ads are performing and identify areas for improvement.

Example: If your ad isn’t getting many clicks, try adjusting your ad copy or using a different image or video. If your cost per click is higher than you’d like, try refining your targeting or using negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches.

By following these tips and continuously optimizing your display ads, you can improve your ad performance and reach more potential customers through the Google Display Network.

Shopping Ads: Set up and manage ads for e-businesses

Shopping Ads are a type of Google Ad that allows e-commerce businesses to showcase their products in a visually appealing way to potential customers. 

These ads typically appear at the top of Google search results and can include product images, prices, and reviews. 

Here are some tips for setting up and managing product listing ads for e-commerce businesses:

1. Create a Google Merchant Center Account:

To set up Shopping Ads, you need to create a Google Merchant Center account and upload your product feed. Your product feed should include all the relevant information about your products, including product titles, descriptions, prices, and images.

Example: If you’re selling athletic wear, your product feed should include information about each product, such as product name, color, size, and price, as well as high-quality images of each product.

2. Optimize Your Product Feed:

Optimize your product feed to ensure that your products are accurately and consistently represented in your Shopping Ads. Use descriptive and accurate product titles and descriptions, and ensure that your product images are high-quality and show your products in the best light.

Example: If you’re selling hiking boots, ensure that your product titles include relevant keywords like “hiking boots” and include details like the brand, model, and color. Use high-quality images that show the boots in use in a natural setting.

3. Set Up Your Shopping Campaign:

Create a Shopping Campaign in Google Ads and set up your ad groups and targeting. Use product groupings to group your products into categories and adjust your bids based on the performance of each product group.

Example: If you’re selling athletic wear, you might group your products by category, such as running shorts, workout tops, and yoga pants. Adjust your bids based on the performance of each category to maximize your return on investment.

4. Monitor and Optimize Your Campaign:

Regularly monitor your Shopping Campaign and optimize your bids, ad copy, and targeting based on your performance metrics. Use data from your ad performance to make informed decisions about which products to promote and how to allocate your budget.

Example: If you notice that certain products are consistently performing well, increase your bids and allocate more budget towards those products. If you notice that certain product categories are not performing well, adjust your bids or pause those products to focus on more profitable ones.

By following these tips and continuously optimizing your Shopping Ads, you can improve your ad performance and reach more potential customers for your e-commerce business.

Video Ads: Create Ads on YouTube & Google's Display

Video Ads are a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and promoting your business. 

Here is a breakdown of the different types of video ads available on YouTube and Google’s Display Network:

1. TrueView In-Stream Ads:

TrueView In-Stream Ads are skippable ads that play before, during, or after a video on YouTube. Viewers have the option to skip the ad after five seconds, and advertisers are only charged if the viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds or interacts with the ad.

Example: A clothing brand could use TrueView In-Stream Ads to showcase its latest collection in a 30-second video ad that plays before a popular fashion blogger’s video on YouTube.

2. TrueView Discovery Ads:

TrueView Discovery Ads appear in YouTube search results, as well as alongside related videos on the YouTube homepage and watch page. These ads are also skippable, and advertisers are only charged when a viewer clicks on the ad.

Example: A beauty brand could use TrueView Discovery Ads to promote a new makeup tutorial video that appears in a YouTube search for “makeup tutorials.”

3. Bumper Ads:

Bumper Ads are non-skippable ads that play before, during, or after a video on YouTube. These ads are only six seconds long, making them a great option for creating quick brand awareness.

Example: An automobile brand could use Bumper Ads to showcase its latest car model in a six-second video ad that plays before a popular car review video on YouTube.

4. Display Ads with Video:

Display Ads with Video appear on websites and apps that are part of the Google Display Network. These ads can be in a variety of formats, including in-banner videos, in-stream videos, and interactive videos.

Example: A travel agency could use Display Ads with Video to showcase its latest vacation packages in an in-stream video ad that appears on a travel blog’s website.

Hot Take!

It’s important to create engaging and visually appealing video content that captures viewers’ attention and encourages them to take action. With the right strategy and creative approach, video ads can be a highly effective marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

App Ads: Promote your mobile app

App Ads are a great way to promote your mobile app and drive downloads and engagement. 

Here’s a guide on how to use Google’s app install and app engagement campaigns to promote your mobile app:

1. App Install Campaigns:

App Install Campaigns are designed to help drive downloads of your mobile app. These campaigns use ad formats like App Install Ads, which are displayed to users who are browsing Google Play or using other mobile apps.

Example: A gaming app could use App Install Campaigns to promote its latest game release to users who have shown interest in similar games.

2. App Engagement Campaigns:

App Engagement Campaigns are designed to help increase engagement with your mobile app among existing users. These campaigns use ad formats like App Engagement Ads, which are displayed to users who have already downloaded your app.

Example: A fitness app could use App Engagement Campaigns to promote its latest workout program to users who have already downloaded the app but haven’t used it in a while.

How To create successful App Ads

It’s important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and what they’re looking for in a mobile app. 

You should also focus on creating compelling ad creative that showcases the features and benefits of your app. Additionally, it’s important to continually monitor and optimize your campaigns to ensure they’re delivering the best results possible.

One way to optimize your App Ads is by using Google’s machine-learning technology to automate your bidding and targeting. 

For example, Target CPA bidding automatically sets bids to help you get as many conversions as possible while staying within your target cost-per-action. 

You can also use Smart Display Campaigns to automatically create and serve ads across the Google Display Network.

Hot Take!

 By using Google’s app install and app engagement campaigns, as well as their machine learning technology, you can create successful campaigns that deliver results for your business.

Local Ads: Target customers in specific geographic areas

Local Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to target customers in specific geographic areas. 

Here’s a guide to using Google Ads to create successful Local Ads:

1. Location Targeting:

Google Ads allows you to target customers in specific geographic areas, such as a city, region, or country. You can also use radius targeting to target customers within a certain distance of your business.

Example: A restaurant in New York City could use radius targeting to target customers within a 5-mile radius of their location.

2. Local Extensions:

Local Extensions allow you to display information about your business, such as your address and phone number, directly in your ad. This can be particularly useful for businesses with physical locations.

Example: A retail store could use Local Extensions to display their address and phone number in their ad, making it easy for customers to find and contact them.

3. Local Inventory Ads:

Local Inventory Ads allow retailers to promote products that are available in their physical stores. These ads display product information, availability, and pricing, and can be targeted to customers within a certain radius of your store.

Example: A home improvement store could use Local Inventory Ads to promote a specific product, such as a lawn mower, that’s available in their physical store.

4. Call-Only Ads:

Call-Only Ads allow customers to call your business directly from the ad, without having to visit your website. This can be particularly useful for businesses that rely on phone calls, such as service providers.

Example: A plumbing company could use Call-Only Ads to allow customers to call them directly from the ad to schedule a service appointment.

How To create successful Local Ads

 It’s important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and what they’re looking for in a local business. 

You should also focus on creating compelling ad creative that highlights your unique selling proposition and differentiates you from your competitors. Additionally, it’s important to continually monitor and optimize your campaigns to ensure they’re delivering the best results possible.

One way to optimize your Local Ads is by using Google’s machine-learning technology to automate your bidding and targeting. 

For example, Target CPA bidding automatically sets bids to help you get as many conversions as possible while staying within your target cost-per-action. You can also use Smart Campaigns to automatically create and serve ads across the Google Network.

Hot Take!

By using Google Ads’ location targeting, local extensions, local inventory ads, and call-only ads, as well as their machine learning technology, you can create successful campaigns that deliver results for your business.

Discovery Ads: Create ads that appear in Google's feed, Gmail, & YouTube

Discovery Ads are a type of Google Ads that appear in places where users are likely to discover new content, such as Google’s Discover feed, Gmail promotions tab, and YouTube home feed. 

Here’s a guide to creating visually engaging Discovery Ads that will catch the attention of potential customers:

1. Choose the Right Image or Video:

The image or video you choose for your Discovery Ad should be visually appealing and relevant to your product or service. Make sure the image or video is high-quality and matches the dimensions required by Google Ads.

Example: A clothing retailer could use a high-quality image of a model wearing their latest collection to create an eye-catching Discovery Ad.

2. Write Compelling Headlines and Descriptions:

Your headline and description should be concise and compelling. Focus on the unique value proposition of your product or service and what sets it apart from your competitors.

Example: A travel company could use a headline like “Escape to Paradise with Our Exclusive Travel Packages” and a description like “Experience luxury and relaxation on the trip of a lifetime.”

3. Target the Right Audience:

Use Google Ads targeting options to reach the right audience for your product or service. You can target by demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Example: A beauty brand could target its Discovery Ads to women ages 18-35 who have shown an interest in skincare and beauty products.

4. Use Responsive Ads:

Responsive Ads allow you to create multiple headlines and descriptions, and Google Ads will automatically optimize your ad based on performance.

Example: A fitness app could use Responsive Ads to test different headlines and descriptions, such as “Get Fit Anytime, Anywhere” and “Join Our Community of Fitness Enthusiasts.”

5. Monitor and Optimize Performance:

It’s important to regularly monitor the performance of your Discovery Ads and make adjustments as needed. Use Google Ads’ reporting tools to track metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions, and adjust your targeting or ad creative as needed to improve performance.

Example: An e-commerce retailer could use Google Ads’ reporting tools to track which products are performing best in their Discovery Ads, and adjust their ad creative to focus on those products.

Hot Take!

By choosing the right image or video, writing compelling headlines and descriptions, targeting the right audience, using Responsive Ads, and monitoring and optimizing performance, you can create visually engaging Discovery Ads that deliver results for your business.

Remarketing Ads: Target users who have previously interacted with your website

Remarketing ads, also known as retargeting ads, are a powerful way to target users who have already interacted with your website or ads. 

By showing targeted ads to people who have already shown an interest in your products or services, you can increase the chances of them converting. 

Here’s a guide to creating effective remarketing campaigns:

1. Set Up Your Remarketing Campaign:

To create a remarketing campaign, you’ll need to add a remarketing tag to your website and create a remarketing list in Google Ads. This list will include users who have visited your website or taken a specific action, such as adding items to their cart.

2. Choose Your Ad Format:

There are several ad formats available for remarketing campaigns, including text ads, display ads, and video ads. Choose the ad format that will best engage your audience and match your business goals.

3. Create Customized Ads:

Customized ads are essential for remarketing campaigns. Use ad copy and images that are tailored to the specific audience you’re targeting.

Example: A retailer could show remarketing ads to users who have abandoned their shopping carts with a discount code or a limited-time offer to incentivize them to complete their purchase

4. Segment Your Audience:

To make your remarketing campaign more effective, segment your audience based on their behavior on your website or the specific actions they’ve taken. You can create different ads for different segments to target them more effectively.

Example: An online course provider could show different remarketing ads to users who have visited the course page but haven’t enrolled yet, and those who have already enrolled but haven’t completed the course.

5. Set a Bid Strategy:

Bid strategy is an important consideration when running a remarketing campaign. You can choose to set bids manually or use automated bidding to help you get the most out of your ad spend.

Example: An e-commerce store could use an automated bidding strategy to increase bids for users who have abandoned their shopping cart and are more likely to convert.

6. Monitor and Optimize Performance:

It’s important to regularly monitor the performance of your remarketing campaigns and make adjustments as needed. Use Google Ads’ reporting tools to track metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions, and adjust your targeting or ad creative as needed to improve performance.

Example: A software company could use Google Ads’ reporting tools to identify which remarketing ads are performing best and adjust their ad creative or targeting to focus on those ads.

Hot Take!

By setting up your remarketing campaign, choosing the right ad format, creating customized ads, segmenting your audience, setting a bid strategy, and monitoring and optimizing performance, you can create effective remarketing campaigns that deliver results for your business.


Congratulations! Now that you’ve read this definitive guide on the different types of Google Ads campaigns, you have all the information you need to create successful ad campaigns for your business. 

From optimizing your search ads to targeting specific geographic areas with local ads, Google Ads offers a wide range of options to help you reach your target audience. 

By creating visually appealing display and video ads, promoting your mobile app, and engaging customers with remarketing and discovery ads, you can take your online advertising to the next level. 

So what are you waiting for? Start creating your Google Ads campaigns today and watch your business grow!

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