
Top 10 Local Search Ranking Factors in 2023!

local search ranking factors

There is a survey made on “local search ranking factors in 2023”, and there are certain things found during the survey for marketing.

It is a daunting struggle to rank on Google and within the local search results both, but these ranking factors can help in gaining the expected results for the websites. We have made this blog to discuss on the local search ranking factors.

The discussion will be based on those factors in order to gain the optimum results and leads through the website.

Before we begin the discussion on local search ranking factors; remember that businesses focused on the local SEO have to rank on two stages; one is Local Pack and another one is Local Organic Search Results.

In the demonstrations, we will also tell about both these stages; so that you will be able to understand the concept thoroughly and figure out the righteous solution for your business. So let’s get started.

What is the Difference Between Local Pack and Local Organic Search Results?

Local pack results, often referred to as the ‘3-pack’ by SEO experts, are the Google Maps results that you see right at the top when you search for something with local intent, such as including ‘near me’ in your search query. These appear in approximately 23% of all searches conducted on Google.

Local organic search results, on the other hand, are the listings displayed right below the map pack results or for any search terms where the user is seeking something local. It’s estimated that around 46% of searches are driven by local intent.

Local SEO Ranking Factors


Imagine backlinks as recommendations from other websites saying, “Hey, this local business is fantastic!” In the world of local SEO, quality matters more than quantity.

These are not just any links but trustworthy ones from local sources. It’s like local businesses vouching for you online. When Google sees these local backlinks, it thinks, “This business is respected in the neighborhood,” and boosts your local search ranking.

So, network with local businesses, get featured on local directories, and build those quality backlinks. They’re like the local referrals of the online world, helping your business shine.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is like the applause your website gets in the digital world. It’s the percentage of people who click on your website when they see it in search results.

A high CTR is a sign that your listing is catching the eye and meeting the needs of local searchers. To improve your CTR, craft enticing titles and descriptions that clearly tell people what you offer and why they should choose you locally.

Use rich snippets to make your listing stand out with stars, reviews, and other helpful information. Keep an eye on your CTR and tweak it to attract more local visitors.

Local Schema Markup

Local Schema Markup is like giving search engines a treasure map to your business. It’s structured data that spells out essential details, such as your business name, address, phone number, and even customer reviews.

When you use schema markup, search engines can easily grasp what your business is all about. It’s like speaking their language.

This helps your business show up in special search result features like knowledge panels and rich snippets, giving users quick and relevant info about your local business.

It’s like putting up a signpost on the digital highway, making sure people find you easily. Incorporating schema markup is a savvy move for any local SEO strategy.

Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile, previously Google My Business, is pivotal for local SEO success. Excluding reviews, personalization, and behavior factors, several elements significantly impact your rankings.

Firstly, incorporating your target keyword in your business name can yield substantial ranking benefits, while adhering to Google’s official name guidelines.

Secondly, categories play a critical role; specificity matters, especially as you gain authority. Thirdly, the website URL linked from your profile affects rankings, particularly for businesses with unique pages like restaurants or offices with reservations. Proximity to the searcher’s location is another key factor, though beyond your control.


Customer reviews are like digital word-of-mouth. They strongly influence local rankings. Positive reviews and high ratings signal trust to search engines, boosting your visibility.

Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google Business Profile and others relevant to your industry.

Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile is your online storefront. It’s where customers first interact with your business. Complete it with accurate details, appealing photos, and regular updates to make a strong first impression. Google uses this data to determine local search rankings, so it’s essential to keep it fresh and engaging.

Website SEO

Your website’s SEO is the foundation of local visibility. Optimize it with relevant keywords, local content, and mobile-friendliness. Ensure your site loads quickly and provides a great user experience. These factors improve your chances of ranking well in local searches.


How users interact with your website matters. High click-through rates, longer time spent on pages, and low bounce rates indicate user satisfaction. Search engines notice this and reward sites with positive user behavior with higher local rankings.


Citations are mentions of your business on various online platforms. Consistency in your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) across the web is vital.

Citations build credibility and help search engines verify your business’s legitimacy, improving your local search rankings.


Personalization tailors search results to individual users based on their preferences and past behavior. While you can’t directly control personalization, delivering a great user experience and relevant content can enhance your chances of appearing in personalized local searches. This emphasizes the importance of user-focused strategies in local SEO.


In the dynamic era of local SEO in 2023, mastering the art of online visibility is achievable through a strategic factors. Backlinks, local schema markup, and Google Business Profiles act as trusted guides, while user behavior and reviews form the digital word-of-mouth.

The foundation of your web presence lies in website SEO and consistent citations across platforms, bolstering credibility. As personalization fine-tunes results, engaging user-focused strategies becomes paramount.

By harmonizing these factors, you can enhance your local search rankings, connecting your business with the right audience, and charting a course for success in the competitive Local Search Ranking Factors.

To learn more, check out our website at kreativedigitalmedia.com

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